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April 14, 2016

Discussion Time: Subscription Boxes

Do you ever wait by the door, stalking the mailman, waiting for that one package that you feel like you ordered 2 years ago and hasn’t shown up yet? That’s how I feel every time I am waiting for one of my subscription boxes to arrive. You never know quite what you’re going to get, (unless you spoil it by looking at fellow subscription box fan’s instagram posts) and that makes it all the more special when it arrives and you get to crack into your box of loot and examine everything inside. Over the past 6 months or so, I’ve been trying out a few of these companies and wanted to share my experiences.

I really enjoyed the products that came with the owlcrates, especially how they use several different etsy stores which sometimes come with their own coupons or discounts. Another thing I really like is that author’s send personalized notes along with their books, it makes it feel very special. However, as a book blogger, I have received books that I already own, but this is a risk I knew going in and can’t complain too much about.

This subscription box has a lot of interactive features, such as a connected website with codes interspersed throughout the book that you can use as you read, which makes it feel like you’re part of a big, online book club. I also really enjoy the themes used in Uppercase, like Desert, Space, or Historical Fiction, which can set the tone for all of the items you find inside. Again, with Uppercase I did sometimes end up with a book I already had, but this is understandable.

Fandom of the Month: 
Fandom isn’t a typical subscription box, instead it features handmade jewelry all themed toward a specific fandom. Although fandom boxes do not include a book, I love that you can go anywhere in real life, and if people see you wearing the jewelry, they instantly know what it’s from and can relate (or fangirl over it with you).

Bonus Box: Graze!: 

This is also a subscription box, in that they will send it to you weekly, biweekly, monthly, or however you want to set it up, but this box has FOOD! They send you boxes of single sized healthy snacks based on your preferences. A typical box will have 4-6 different servings of snacks and they are delicious. I used to keep chips, candy or beef jerky around to snack on when I was reading, but graze provides much healthier and tastier options. I also send a lot of them to work with my boyfriend, and haven’t heard any complaints yet. If you find some you like, you can keep ordering the same, or if you want to try different things they will send you whatever you ask for. I definitely recommend trying them out. If you are interested, let me know, and I can send you a referral code that will get you a discount on your first order.
Order Code: 9Q3Z9MXQP

So, do any of you try any subscription boxes, and if so, which ones?



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