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January 10, 2017

Another Book Signing Adventure

An Exciting Book Signing In Menlo Park

So to start things off I just wanted to say that this book signing was one of the most memorable experiences I’ve had the privilege of attending.  It all started with a fun filled and Dutch Bros fueled car ride to the Menlo Park library.  Along the way Ashley and I had a blast singing songs in the car and yelling curses at the suicidal maniacs on the road.  One of the most interesting parts of the journey there related to questions Ashley had asked me from the book, The Sun Is Also A Star by Nicola Yoon.  The questions led to deep and intriguing conversation on everything from a dinner with Abraham Lincoln to the more personal and difficult ones.  I would guess I will not truly understand her questions until I read the book.  Unlike our drive to Leigh Bardugo’s book signing we spent much of this ride laughing and discussing literature.

When we arrived in Menlo Park we made sure to stop by Kepler’s Books.  Which was a very refreshing book store when compared to the generic Barnes and Noble standard.  The entire place seemed more energetic and fun and if I could have stayed longer would have compelled me to fill my entire shelves with books.  I must admit Ashley and I did indulge and make a few purchases while we were there.  How bad can a reading addiction really be though?  Next door we stopped by the lovely Cafe’ Baronne to grab a cool drink and relax for a bit.  Cracking jokes and sipping on an Arnold Palmer can sometimes be the right amount of bliss after a car-ride.  

About an hour before the book signing be made our way to the Menlo Park Library so we could wait in line.  Upon entering the library we attempted to use the elevator.  I am pretty sure I heard a loud clunk and after much waiting we decided to use the stairs.  To our surprise there were only two other people waiting in line before us.  Especially when you consider the fact this event was hosting a panel of five authors.  Needless to say the line grew and eventually we sat in great anticipation of what can only be described as the most comedic banter I have heard outside of a comedy sketch group.

The fantastic panel of five authors were, Jay Kristoff and Aimie Kaufman co-authors of Gemina, Jessica Cluess author of A Shadow Bright and Burning.  Kiersten White author of And I Darken and last but not least Arwen Elys Dayton author of Seeker.  It felt almost instantaneous that the room filled with laughter and intrigue as Jay and Aimie started off by describing the sci-fi book they had written.  Let me clarify that this was laughter joined by Jay and Aimie themselves.  Ranging from discussions on the numerous deaths that occur within their books and researching astronauts having to wear diapers and condoms.  Note that this was only more entertaining while they spoke to us in Australian accents. They also temporarily stole the show by having everyone play a game for a chance to win the honor of being killed in their next book.  All I can say is it involved touching heads and butts.

Kiersten also made quite an entertaining show discussing how Vlad the impaler had influences her recent book.  Just imagine Vlad being a young girl and impaling people.  Jessica made an enjoyable effort and did hit the spotlight with her puns and lighthearted humor.  Which as a debut author showed how much she really cared about what she had written.  The main author that I felt was quite overshadowed by the whole event was Arwen.  This isn’t to say that Arwen’s book didn’t sound enjoyable.  She simply lacked the energetic personality and excitement that inspired the crowd to go forth and read her work.  I would like to say that the fantasy world she had created in Scotland did sound enticing and perhaps I may read some of her books in the future.

All in all I left this event with a warm pleasant feeling.  The authors certainly did their job and made me leave longing to give some of their books a read.  I would like to give this event a 4.9/5, only due to the fact that when Ashley and I rode the elevator back up it seemed like we may die.  Just kidding, this event is definitely deserving every bit of a 5/5.  Hopefully in the near future I will be able to enjoy another trip similar to this one.

Live Long and Prosper,

- Joshua


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