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September 28, 2016

Review: Metaltown by Kirsten Simmons


Author:Kirsten Simmons
Release Date:9/20/16
Page Count: 384
I picked up an ARC at Book Expo America in no way does this influence my review.
Synopsis: (Found on Goodreads)

The rules of Metaltown are simple: Work hard, keep your head down, and watch your back. You look out for number one, and no one knows that better than Ty. She’s been surviving on the factory line as long as she can remember. But now Ty has Colin. She’s no longer alone; it’s the two of them against the world. That’s something even a town this brutal can’t take away from her. Until it does.
Lena’s future depends on her family’s factory, a beast that demands a ruthless master, and Lena is prepared to be as ruthless as it takes if it means finally proving herself to her father. But when a chance encounter with Colin, a dreamer despite his circumstances, exposes Lena to the consequences of her actions, she’ll risk everything to do what’s right.
In Lena, Ty sees an heiress with a chip on her shoulder. Colin sees something more. In a world of disease and war, tragedy and betrayal, allies and enemies, all three of them must learn that challenging what they thought was true can change all the rules.

Cover: 4.5/5
I love the gears around the factory, everything is well placed and has meaning to the novel. I do wish there was a bit more color to it but other than that adore it.

Characters: 4.5/5
Ty is the badass girl you pick for an apocalyptic team. She loves Collin and her desire to protect him is tangible. She is quick to fight and judge people because of the world she has grown up in.
Each chapter brought more perspective to Ty`s life. Her drive to be independent is inspiring.

Collin never seemed attractive to me. I guess his leadership qualities were his best assets but even those weren't as strong as they could have been. He does rally everyone together for a common cause though. I think I would have liked Ty or Lena as the centre of the plot more than Collin.

Lena is the brainiac girl born in a mans world. She gets knocked down but is always able to pick herself up. She is lucky to have a little inside support but not enough that she can carry herself confidently. Lena doesn't rely on Collin as a crutch and for that I am so glad. I do wish Lena and Ty hit it off better.

Plot: 5/5
Mobster-type society with tons of political this is modern day (hehehe). hold labor laws are a huge problem but finally the teens are fighting back. Each person has nothing left to lose except each other so Ty,Collin and Lena band together to fight against The Bossman.
I enjoyed all the rallying cries and fight scenes throughout the novel. The slum life seemed to be predominant throughout the life and I loved how it wasn't all sugar coated.

Overall Thoughts: 4.5/5
This was almost a five star for me but the ending threw me a little with how fast it came. The entire concept of fighting against society was well done and the characters were relatable in their fierceness. I would highly surest devouring this book as soon as you can.


1 comment:

  1. This certainly seems like my cup of tea. Also excellent and fluid book review. You certainly have a new follower.


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