Museum of Heartbreak
Meg Leder
Overall Rating: 4/5
This is an adorable and fast read. I both loved and disliked the characters. The descriptive scenes kept me turning pages and the emotions that Pen had made me push to finish. I wanted her to have a happy ending or at least realize how awesome she could be.
Cover: 4.5/5
This is adorable. I wish I had a cute box to try and mimic the cover. I love how each object is mentioned in the book and fits the description.
Characters: 4/5
Penelope: Pen is frustrating to say the least. I love how she grows and starts to put together the puzzle pieces of her life. Every girl has to date that one asshole that in the long run teaches her she is way better off without him. It sucks how Pen had it happen but she acted like a normal relatable girl. My mom would only let me stay home two days before pouring water on me to get me out of bed. Relationships can suck and heartbreak hurts but you can grow and learn.
Keats: Dude needs to figure out his priorities. I mean if you're gonna be a player at least have some manners. Why prey on girls in the same circle? Oh that's right too busy cutting class and being all rich boy judgy.
Eph: He is who I loved from the get go. I never hated him even when he got a little angsty. This guy get beat up on my Pen, has mad art skills and gets that life is for living.
Audrey: I've never understood a side character more than I've understood Audrey. She wants Pen to understand there is room for more than one best friend. I feel like some of the word choices Audrey uses is a little meh but could look past it.
Plot: 3.5/5
I enjoyed reading this so you're probably asking why so low a plot score. I felt like Pen's story was meaningful but very fluffy like. I know that doesn't make much sense so let me try a different way.
Pen meets cute boy
Pen embarrassed herself
Pen is invited to party
Pen hangs out with crush at party
Fight with best friend
Pen starts "dating" crush quickly
Pens personality changes in Neg way
Pen realizes mistakes
Instead of fully apologizing she lets everyone else do it for her.
Other Contemporaries
MC meets cute boy
MC does something stupid
MC admits she did something stupid
MC learns from mistake
MC grows and moves on
I'm horrible at this I'm sorry. Penelope and Keats whole relationship made me want to punch a wall. It might be because I've been the girl who was blinded by an asshole type guy but Keat was just slimy from the get go.
Now the magazine and dinosaurs were frakking awesome. Definitely wish there were some adorable dino pictures.
After finishing MoH I started thinking way things would go into my museum.
This day and age everything is easy to just snap a picture. Here's a few things from my past that have put me where I am today.
There will always be; ups and downs,twists and turns, and halting stops on the road of life.

It's up to you to decide what turns to take, the speed to take the windy road but most important when to stop at off the wall attractions.
I will add this on my tbr!. :)
- christine @ tine's reviews